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06/19/23 12:44 PM #1076    


Frances Pampeyan

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard for this successful reunion. It was so well planned.  It was great to see everyone and get reacquainted.  Hope to see you next time.


06/19/23 06:39 PM #1077    


Clay Werts

Modie and I are pleased to hear that so many had a great time. It was a wonderful time to see and be with friends from so long ago. We are now looking to the the future. It is very unlikely that a future reunion will happen like the one we just had. There just isn't the numbers for a hotel to allow us to reserve their facilities. I had many, many suggest that we go on a 3 day cruise and not wait for 5 years to get together again. If we were to book a cruise today, we could cruise from L.A. to Ensenada, Mexico and back with a interior cabin for $248.00. That includes a room, all the food you can eat, entertainment, and more. That's amazing and hard to beat. There would be no minimums to meet, we could have 10 people or 110 people. This could include your kids, grandkids, friends or neighbors. Everyone would be welcome to join us on the cruise. This is the most likely next event we will have. The question is when; 2 years, 3 years or wait 5 years until the 60th ? Your thoughts are welcome regarding these questions. Thanks again to all who helped at the reunion, These event don't happen by magic. A special thanks to Phil Denslow and Anne Hassell Nelson. May peace be with you, this day and always.     












06/20/23 09:19 AM #1078    


Gary Hesse

Reunion Attendees:

During our Saturday evening  reunion dinner someone asked about Humanities Team Teaching, which  was the group of us (class sized)  who were were mixed with 2 similar groups from the other 2 years of PHS students for, basically, English and History teaching; I was fortunate to be included in this group.

Anyway, I did some research and would like to bring it to the attention of the other participants amongst us that our beloved teachers, Ms. Barbara Sheinkopf, passed away two years ago.  She and her husband resided in Pasadena one street above Orange Grove Avenue, and I believe that one of her children now lives at the same address.  Here is a thread to her memorial obituary:

Barbara Sheinkopf Obituary (1938 - 2020) - Pasadena, CA - Pasadena Star-News (

this would be on in the memorial obituaries.

06/21/23 08:37 AM #1079    


Barbara Kaplan (Kraemer)

Thanks for posting this Gary. I loved Mrs Sheinkopf and the HTT program! I ended up talking to her in the '80's or 90's and she was eager to hear how all of us were doing as adults. 

06/22/23 09:23 AM #1080    


Gerald Shutman

Thank you to Clay, Nora, Anne and everyone else who helped put together this reunion. I really enjoyed talking with Tracy, Jean, Pauline, Ron, Katy, Gary, Margo, Marc, Patty, Kathy, Mike, Donn, Tom and so many other people, some of whom I barely knew 55 years ago. It was a great weekend.

06/22/23 11:55 AM #1081    


Kenneth Roane

What a fun night!  Thank you Clay, your Stand up material kept coming and... where was your time clock?  Cheryle, fantastic time period questions and answers research...50 Q&A...for heaven's sake we're 70ish so 5 works for me...Ann you are so loved for being just you let alone how much you contribute to our class ❤️


Well done all who contributed that at including all attending 👏

06/22/23 03:50 PM #1082    


Kenneth (Ken) Marschall

Although I didn't attend, I'm so glad to read that the reunion went so well.  From comments in the lead-up to it, I didn't get the sense that anything like 64 people would attend.  That's just great!  Congrats on pulling off such a memorable and enjoyable event.  Love to all.

06/23/23 04:37 PM #1083    


Anne Hassell (Nelson)

I had a wonderful time visiting with old friends and new ones. Everyone was so friendly. You all helped to heal me from the loss of my husband. Thank you!!! I am blessed to be numbered among such super people. I would love to have been neighbors and best friends with any of you. I vote we schedule a cruise within a year or so. How about getting out of the heat next August in 2024? I'll start planning and saving up my money for it. I would also go for the extra choice of adding an extension of another week for a possibility for whoever wants to do so. Lots of love to you all! Thanks Clay and Nora and Modie for making these last two reunions possible.


06/24/23 10:38 AM #1084    


Sandra Davenport /Royall (Ulibarri)

I haven't made very many reunions but I'm always up for a cruise. Made it something like September when the kids are back in school so it's a bit quieter and less expensive. Cruises have been so full lately and people book a long ways out. Anyone out there a TA. 

06/30/23 04:18 PM #1085    


Tracy Dunning

Thank you Clay, Nora, Ann and all who made the reunion happen and provided the opportunity to connect with people on Friday at the picnic and on Sat. at the hotel.  Such valuable friendshops renewed and community reinforced.  Your work is so valuable.

While some people are excited about the possibility of a reunion cruise, I am hoping that there might be an additional chance to gather in some way, maybe before those on the cruise leave.  I know that there are many who would not be able to commit to being away for 3 days whether because of family obligations or because many of us choose (or spouses choose) not to add spouses to the reunion gathering.  Just a thought. 

Thank you for all your work and dedication to our gatherings.

07/01/23 04:02 PM #1086    


Pauline Potts (Yonts)

Gary, thanks so much for the information about our beloved HTT teacher Barbara Sheinkopf. I was so sorry to hear that she passed away two years ago. Thanks to your communication after the last reunion (2018) I did write her, but like others, apparently, never did hear back. My husband followed the link you gave so I could read her obituary; lots of info I didn't know, but was delighted to learn. And how great to read George Clark's guest book entry -- the older brother of our classmate Patty Clark! 

As in years past, my husband Michel attempted to take an informal group photo of former HTT classmates at the end of the reunion dinner. I'm so sorry we didn't catch you for it! I know Martha Baum attended the picnic only, but I'm not sure how many others we may have missed on one or both days. How do we send the two photos in order to be seen by all? 

Pauline Potts (Yonts)

07/02/23 08:50 AM #1087    


Philip Denslow

Hi. I just uploaded a bunch of photos from the 55th reunion. These were taken by Anne Nelson and are close up images of all the attendees (I think). Go to the left side menu link "Reunion Photos" and then select the "55th Reunion Close Ups" button to see all the pics. If it looks like we were having a good time, that's because we were! Thank you all that came and made this a nice event. And thanks Anne for getting all these photos with name tags included. Enjoy!!

--Phil Denslow


07/03/23 10:08 AM #1088    


Philip Denslow

Hi again. I've added some more photos to the "Reunion Photos" page. These are pics taken during the Banquet at the hotel on Saturday night. Click on "Reunion Photos" on the left side menu, and then choose "55th Reunion Banquet." Also you can choose to see the close-up photos taken by Anne Nelson in the "55th Reunion Close Ups" section.

--Phil Denslow

07/03/23 10:16 AM #1089    


Anne Hassell (Nelson)

Who was it who knew about the passing of Janet Wood? Can you please post the news in our PHS site? She should be honored by being listed among the ones of us who have died. Thnaks

07/15/23 11:05 PM #1090    


Kenneth Roane

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MODIE!  Couldn't forget you buddy.  Love always Kenny

08/20/23 02:05 PM #1091    


Margo Feinstein (Connolly)

Jeff Shaw, Ernie Posey, and I all met in Mrs. Itrich's kindergarten class. (I look like I did my own Junior Tonette Hair Perm with no mirror access here.)

When Jeff and I were undergrads at Cal, I remember how happy I was for him as he described for me his girlfriend, Laurie, who he had met earlier at a dorm mixer.  Looks like Jeff's early choice was a good one!

Jeff and Laurie could not attend this last PHS class reunion.  I remember writing him that I had run into Ernie, his best friend for so many years, at the reunion, and Jeff expressed regret that they had lost touch for ages and expressed jealousy that I had spoken to him at the reunion. Jeff wrote that he and Laurie were planning a nostalgic 50th-anniversary trip (last week) to the East Bay where they met. He invited Peter and me to meet them for dinner one of the non-anniversary nights.  It dawned on me that I could invite Ernie and his wife, Gunde, to join us as a surprise.

Sadly, Gunde could not join us this time, but the five of us enjoyed a fun  (and delicious) celebration of the 50th.  It was a special treat to watch the faces of these long-time buddies  light up as Jeff and Laurie approached the table. 

Here a few photos from the fun evening:

Wishing Jeff and Laurie fifty more happy years together!

Wishing anyone in the path of today's storm a good outcome--



08/22/23 07:17 AM #1092    


Barbara Kaplan (Kraemer)

Thanks for posting these wonderful pictures and story Margo! It was so nice to see everyone then and now!

01/11/24 05:26 PM #1093    


Gary Hesse

A few days late, but ....

Happy 2024 Classmates !!  Who woulda thought when we got up off of those benches in the Rose Bowl, flopped our tassels on our caps to the other and marched across the field to get our diplomas. We were probably more interested in Grad Nite at Disneyland than thinking about reading a message from one of our fellow classmates 55 1/2 years later!  

Well, we've got a lot of things to be proud of (in many ways and fields) and some things we'd rather forget, but that's simply life!  All of you with whom I grew up with would probably have different opinions and thoughts about practically anything that we could talk about or experience, and I think that is wonderful!  Just think, that's what we learned - to think!!  Many things have changed a lot in the past 55 years and some have not.  So what?

Let's just try to keep our minds (and bodies) flexible for the future - we've got a lot of messages and responses yet to enter on this message forum.

Until then, Make It a Great 2024 for yourself and your loved ones!

Gary Hesse

01/12/24 08:17 AM #1094    


Patricia Frances Anthony Goff

Happy New Year to you and yours, Gary!


I'd like to say I've had a brilliant 2024 so far but that would be a fib. I'm still here; my son is still a genius; Balboa Island hasn't sunk yet (where are the Engineers who can put the whole thing on a giant raft so that the boats don't wash ashore at Irvine).

The good news is we're still here and - despite the uptick in my musical discernment - insisting on being told the truth.  Insisting on our right to learn things.

It is a good thing that you're still fierce!

Fran (aka Patti)

PS Get vaxxed; this ain't over yet.

01/12/24 01:41 PM #1095    


Modie (Martin) Katz

Good post Gary,

We should all be thankful for what we have. If we are reading this, we have made it to another year so let's make the best of it. Keep moving and think positively. Keep an open mind and a loving heart. 
Carry on...



01/13/24 11:09 AM #1096    


Michael Blumenfeld

As we cruise Colorado Blvd. sharing the cost of gas at $.24 a gallon (and complain). Wait, that was 56 years ago!!

Clay, can we shorten your name to Cla? It is so much much more trendy! BTW, loved seeing and having you MC the last Reunion event but the truth is, it was all of our way of insuring that Nora would be joining us!!

Sad to open the Message Forum and read about the loss of another fellow Bulldog. Can we add good news as well? How about Marriages, Grandchildren, Lottery Winners!!

I thought I've had for the last few years was how to locate alumni who have not made themselves available? Witness protection must be over by now.

Let's call it "Where's Waldo?".

I'll start: Where's Terry Mathews?


Stay Safe, Healthy, and Enjoy 2024




01/13/24 03:59 PM #1097    


Sherry Wenger (Wenger)

Thanks, Mike as that reminds me: Where is our wise student James Mathieu? Now that we're adults, I want to ask him, "When Mrs. Pontius asked you to lead the class in the Pledge Allegience in sixth grade and you fell flat on your face, was that a prat fall or real?" Always wanted to ask him.

03/03/24 08:45 AM #1098    

Barry Chisholm

Gary and Modie, thank you for your recent posts and reminders about the need for us to stay focused on the positive aspects of our lives.  Yes there is much to be thankful for, even as we face the challenges that life and especially our advancing age brings us.  

One of my "good" challenges last summer was to choose between attending the 55th reunion and chaperoning a group of our Key Club members on their field trip from here in New Hampshire to the Anaheim Convention Center for their annual conference. I couldn't rationalize squeezing both trips to CA into my summer schedule, and with some regrets about missing the reunion, chose the trip with the kids.
I suppose going to Disneyland may have accounted for at least part of the attraction for those kids from our local high school!  The bus tour of LA's notable locations such as Griffith Park and the Santa Monica Pier also didn't hurt.  For the kids, first time experiences; for me, a truly memorable trip, recalling so many ancient experiences growing up in SoCal.
Do any of you remember our PHS field trip to the Griffith Park Observatory?  Never realized that 55+ years after that field trip I'd be taking a group of high school kids from 3,000 miles away to the same place.  Talk about what life brings us.  
If I can successfully upload a picture of me at Griffith Park from last year, and you compare it closely with my 1960s profile picture on this site, you may detect slight differences in appearance.
Take care, always.

06/19/24 09:54 PM #1099    


Margo Feinstein (Connolly)

Dear Classmates,

I continue to volunteer as a Legislative Ambassador for ACS CAN, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.  We are the cousin of American Cancer Society, and we advocate exclusively for ACS.  We lobby Congress for more funding for cancer research, we fight for clean air, and we ask all levels of government leaders to improve access to affordable healthcare, including regular cancer testing and quality cancer care, when needed, for all Americans. Most of us volunteers are either dedicated survivors or people who have lost family to cancer. When we lobby legislators, we tell our powerful stories.

In California, our signature victory this past year was the passage of Senate Bill 496 (Limon). This Biomarker Testing Bill, sponsored by University of Calif and ACS CAN "will require Medi-Cal and private insurers to cover medically necessary biomarker testing--allowing more people to access effective, individualized cancer treatments." (from University of California Health, October 25, 2023)  This is a big deal because the biomarker tests of tumors can cost upwards of $10,000 each, and the new coverage makes this testing more available to patients including those who could not afford it out-of-pocket. Prognosis should not be based on ability to pay or zipcode!

We are mainly volunteers whose life-saving work is dependent on donations.  If you can possibly donate a multiple of $10 to support our very important advocacy work, your dollars will go far, likely extending the lives of many friends and loved ones.

I have set up my fundraising page for Lights of Hope for 2024.  Many thanks to caring classmates who have donated to ACS CAN via my page in the past few years. Supporting our advocacy work is a constructive response to the sadness we all experience when we learn of a new cancer diagnosis--or loss.

In the past years, my husband and I have decorated and displayed the paper Lights of Hope bags for hundreds of donors. Many of these donors have insisted that they just wanted to support our advocacy without decorating bags. (Also, Peter is having surgery on his hand and currently cannot use his software expertise to resize the art.) This year we will forgo the bags and just hang a poster with all the names of people that donors want to honor /memorialize for the last two weeks in August in Walnut Creek, Ca.  Please see my personal page for details.

Margo Connolly - Fundraising For American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (

Please consider making a donation to support our very important advocacy work.  Thanks for reading this far!

Wishing you and your families best of health always--

Margo (Feinstein) Connolly



06/30/24 08:44 AM #1100    

Barry Chisholm

I'd just like to add a comment and endorse Margo Feinsteins's work with ACS CAN.  In addition to what she describes about the work of that organization and the tangible results of that work, I found another benefit.

When I've told the families of cancer victims about how a "light of hope" was dedicated to their deceased or suffering family member, I've found that those families express their heartfelt gratitude that there is such a program that advocates for cancer prevention and cures.  A "light of hope" dedicated to their loved one truly brings some light into their lives during some dark times.  

Margo, best wishes for success to you and the entire ACS CAN organization.

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