Do You Remember?

Pep Rally Pics

Walt Hoylman took these photos at a Pep Rally. Can you find yourself in there somewhere?

Band   Drill Team   Football Team   Big Crowd 1   Big Crowd 2   Crowd/Mr.Marks

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Pasadena Chronicle -  June 13, 1968

Who remembers our school newspaper, the Pasadena Chronicle?  Barry Chisholm does... After all these years, Barry discovered he had a copy of the very last issue of the paper for your class of '68.  He graciously copied the paper so everyone could go back in time to read about our class.  Click on the pages below to view an image of a page from 50 years ago. Use your browser's Back button to return to this menu.


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Elementary Class Photos

Click on the photo to see a larger version.  Then click on the arrow to scroll through the pictures or simply wait for the slide show to begin.  It will scroll the pictures after 9 seconds.

(If you have a class photo to include, email a copy to

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