From the Pasadena Star-News. December 24, 2023. By Owen Pratt
Pasadena High School’s Model A Ford Club keeps the old classic’s legacy revving
Every Thursday after school, students meet in an old art room and continue their long-term project; restoring three Model A Fords.
“It’s a good life skill to have,” said Nate Fulford, vice president of the Model A Ford Club.
The club started seven years ago with Wilbert Smith, a Ford enthusiast and former School Board member.
“I’ve been on a mission to bring this hobby to younger people,” Smith said. “And that’s how we decided to do it on the campus of Pasadena High School.”
Read more here.
55th Reunion Success!
The Reunion went very well. Thanks to the organizers for all their hard work. And thanks to all who participated in the Picnic, Banquet, and Breakfast. Stay tuned for discussion about when and where to get together again!
You can see photos from the 55th Reunion by using the left side menu link "Reunion Photos" and then choosing the 55th Reunion link(s).
It's a few years away, but never too early to prepare for our next reunion!!
Help fund our Reunion! You can now purchase clothing with our Class Reunion Logo on it. 12% of proceeds go to help fund our next reunion. Many styles and colors are available. Use the Class Store link at the upper right.
Keep this web site active by your continued posting on the Message Forum. This helps maintain the site as a fun place to share memories and make contacts.
You can send us your thoughts using the Contact Us link on the left.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon,
Modie and Clay
Welcome to the PHS Class Of '68
We Are Glad You Found Us!
We have established this site as a way to keep all our grads informed about their friends and classmates, upcoming events, reunions, and fun trivia everyone will enjoy reading.
Please keep us informed about your life, current activities and contact information by registering with this site, updating your information when it changes, and checking back often. Many grads are looking for each other; our site is an easy way to reconnect and stay informed.
Registration is FREE. You control the information you wish to display and share with others; keeping your privacy secure.
Check back often. We intend to add information, pictures and reunion dates, as time permits.
And, if you are in contact with any of our Missing Classmates, please send them an e-mail and share our site. You can use the "Missing Classmates" frame on this page in the upper right. Your message to the missing grad will provide a link directly to our web site, and note that we do not have the ability to capture their e-mail address without their permission.
If you only have a missing grad's current snail mail address and/or phone number please e-mail it to us at Info@PHS68Reunion.orgso that we may contact them.
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